My bully pulpit to rail against anything and everything
How the libs like to spend their Memorial Day.
Published on June 1, 2004 By voodoostation In Current Events
Democratic heir-apparent to the nomination, John "F-ing" Kerry, going above and beyond as he normally does, demonstrated his knowledge of the almost universal gesture of goodwill to a comrade of the Vietnam war during a tour of the Wall in D.C. If you don't at this point understand this man, I'm sure this story I've linked to will go over your little head. If not, here's the link, courtesy of Newsmax.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 01, 2004
That's awesome! Cheers to John Kerry!
on Jun 01, 2004
Apparently you missed my disclaimer, you of the little head.
on Jun 01, 2004
how nice yall have your own version of al-jazeera

on Jun 01, 2004
Again, the little heads strike again
on Jun 01, 2004
How does this prove anything besides that Ted Sampley is a dick, John Kerry has a temper, and they both don't get along?

Vietnam Vets don't have to see eye to eye on everything, they should at least respect each other, but its a less than perfect world. I'm not morally shocked and aghast at giving Ted Sampley the finger, I'm just surprized J. Fing. K. did it.

So you say John knows how to give it to them like the best of them, how does that knowledge give you some deep and unique understanding of John Kerry?
on Jun 01, 2004
And why didnt the major media organisations pick this up? Now no conspiracy theories about them being commo, pinky, tree hugging hiipies now) my guess, and I would guess that it is not too far from the truth, that an article by (in his own words) a noted conservative on the far right of the spectrum maybe just a bit slanted to his own political bias.
on Jun 02, 2004

I wouldn't mind this act by Kerry as much if 1) he wasn't running for President, 2) he didn't do it in public in front of a crowd, and 3) he didn't do it in front of schoolchildren. This is far worse than Bush's behavior, which is simply inarticulate. I just think that a presidential nominee should be a bit more mature.

on Jun 02, 2004
little heads

I take it that you substitute abuse for argument, tends to suggest you have none (argument that is)
on Jun 02, 2004
tee hee...and speaking of little heads, has any ever seen the Shrub talk or move or anything?
on Jun 02, 2004
I suppose I shouldn't be deliberately antagonistic on somebody else's blog. Oh and by the way, I'm not particularly fond of Kerry but ANYBODY'S better than Bush!!!!
on Jun 02, 2004
this is the text of a statement issued by senator john mccain regarding one ted sampley:

"I strongly caution reporters who may be contacted by or are interested in Mr. Ted Sampley and the various organizations he claims to represent, and his opinions on the subject of Senator Kerry, or any subject for that matter, to investigate thoroughly Mr. Sampley's background and history of spreading outrageous slander and other disreputable behavior before inadvertently lending him or his allegations any credibility."

"I am well familiar with Mr. Sampley, and I know him to be one of the most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. I consider him a fraud who preys on the hopes of family members of missing servicemen for his own profit. He is dishonorable, an enemy of the truth, and despite his claims, he does not speak for or represent the views of all but a few veterans. The many veterans I know would think it a disgrace to be considered a comrade or supporter of Ted Sampley."

sampley has claimed for years that mccain is a kgb agent who collaborated with the north vietnamese while he was a pow. kerry apparently upset sampley by refusing to believe sampley's claims against mccain.
on Jun 02, 2004
If Kerry flips the finger at Iraq, then he'll get my vote!
on Jun 02, 2004
I wouldn't mind this act by Kerry as much if

considering the source and the lack of photographic evidence, the next best choice would be: if monkeys flew out sampleys butt cuz theres as good a chance it DIDNT happen.
on Jun 03, 2004
I'm not a big fan of writing disclaimers in large letters, but after reading your replies save one, I now understand why they put safety labels on everything. You folks missed one of the big points of my story, this occured in the presence of children during a somber occassion. I could give a fart about Kerry flipping anyone off, he did it in front of the Senate committee after his sojourn in Vietnam to the rest of the soldiers fighting and dying in country. He did it to the soldiers in Iraq, both times. He did it to you little airheads in your SUV's when he proposed a tax increase on gasoline. He did it to the super rich corporations who deem it financially wiser to outsource jobs. Right wing website my ass, quit the dope people, you are the reason this country is what it is.
on Jun 03, 2004
missed one of the big points of my story, this occured in the presence of children

have you seen this horrific incident reported by any credible source? one that doesnt typically report the political equivalent of bigfoot and elvis sightings?
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