My bully pulpit to rail against anything and everything
You're all a bunch of sissies
Published on July 15, 2004 By voodoostation In Misc
I know what the problem is with the civilized world. Fear. Fear to judge. Fear to judge other people for their shortcomings. Civilization and civil law is created on judgement. Now, judgement is wrong. Who's to say what is right or wrong? Well, we are.
Judgement serves a purpose and serves it well. Stealing a kettle full of coins during Christmas season is wrong, but maybe the thief needed it more. Who's to say? Narcotics are highly addictive, but maybe that woman falling asleep while her infant died needed them. Who's to say? The corporation with billions, living the high life, making their stock owners happy. Who's to say the CEO didn't deserve to blow it on parties and what ever caught his fancy.
You people are scared. Of life, death, disappointment, success, children, discipline, order, normalcy, happiness, sadness. Everything. Chickenshits. You can't stand looking at yourselves in the mirror, let alone someone else. Until you are happy with yourselves again, this society will suffer.
For those of you who believe in a god, you are what you are for a reason. You may not understand it, but I don't think you're supposed to. You play the cards you're dealt. Most of you are afraid to go all in. Play it. You're only dealt this hand once, the next will be different. Life is a test, I think, and there are no points for second place.
Observe, if you will, my theorem. The reason for the hedonism and the hell raising and the lack of decorum is the unwillingness of society to enforce their judgement on others. Why is that? If it isn't broken, don't fix it, right? Constructive criticism is good, destructive isn't. There have always been rules, ever since we began to think. Make the rules better or keep the old ones, don't discard them for reasons of antiquity or old fashionedness or for being out of style. They were instated for a reason and kept because they were worked.
People, you need to do much self reflection. In this day and age, we know, with almost innate sensibility, of wrong and right. Yet we choose not to enforce it. Who's to say anymore who's wrong? Surely there must be a better way. Don't call me surely. There isn't. Society makes the rules, enforces them and maintains them. The only reason rules are discarded is if they affect society as a whole in a negative way.
Society, for the dense ones who may have stumbled upon this, is every thinking individual in the world. Colour, race, location is not a factor. People want to live. And they want to live as well as they can. Monetarily, physically, mentally.

on Jul 15, 2004
Good article. Trust me when I say that I did not hesitate in the least when I judged you. Feel free to take your own advice.
on Jul 15, 2004
Hmmm...pretty bold allegations from someone who doesn't know me...So, tell me, is it that you missed being part of the "chickenshit" that comprises the rest of us peasants and managed to find enlightenment while 6 billion other people wander in the darkness.

I concur with greywar's invitation for you to feel free to take your own advice.
on Jul 15, 2004
I do, grey, everyday.
on Jul 15, 2004
I opened Gideon's bible to page one.
on Jul 15, 2004
FWIW, grey, he didn't hesitate in judging anyone in the comment section of your article either. He didn't hesitate even long enough to get the full background of the situation...
Article rambled a bit, but has a pretty strong message, so it probably bucked and reared as you were putting it down. You kept having to leave points or mix metaphors, but you got to the main thrust of it (I think).
What about those who don't believe in a god, though? (Are they what they are without a reason?)
on Jul 15, 2004
So I have a question for you then....

What the hell are you afraid of? Or are you just as chicken-shit as the rest of us?

Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself.

-- B
on Jul 15, 2004
No, soldier, even for those of us who don't believe in a god (and I still don't), most believe we are here for some reason, for maybe just as an aftereffect. But as far as humanity has come, we still have that innate feeling. We still want to do good, for reward, self reward, purpose. As for the folks withouth reaon, they tend to be the people we fight. And hopefully win over. The conclude, there is a reason for everything.
on Jul 15, 2004
Mr. Frog, I do not mind being judged. I am afraid of many things, but not of myself, nor of being judged. I live as society dictates, and happily mind you. I observe all the protocol of living societally. Judge away, judge away.