My bully pulpit to rail against anything and everything
I just want to spend my two cents.
Published on November 10, 2004 By voodoostation In Current Events
I can't help but be amused by the post election meltdown occurring around the country.The homophobic, xenophobic, SKS toting, catalytic converter hating, bible thumping, high school educated, child rearing, non-union, white, simpleminded, welfare recipients came out in droves to stop what could only benefit them in order to help the evil rich folks in their scheme to collect all the money they so treacherously stole. Are you really that stupid?

I am personally antiauthoritarian. I despise being told what to do. Hollywood told me to vote Democrat. So did cable television shows. As did news outlets, newpapers, unions, pop culture, NAMBLA, Communists, terrorists, foreign "dignitaries", and a bunch of toothless socialists in England. I don't like being told what to do.

I don't believe in God. I may never become a believer. That may end up biting me in the ass in the end, but I'll take that chance. That having been said, I was raised by the Ten Commandments and to this day firmly believe in them. They may be called "religious" writings, but truthfully, they are just basic laws of humanity. No more and no less.

I was homophobic when I was young, in high school, but I had never met anyone who was homosexual. After going around the world a time or two (thanks to taxpayer dollars!), I met more than a few. I like them. My wife had a gaggle of gay friends and they are all my friends. I've even had my ass grabbed by a couple. Never felt threatened. However, the liberal, militant homosexuals who believe their relationship is even close to the relationship between a man and a woman for procreation are insane. Period. I don't care how advanced science becomes, marriage will always be between a man and a woman. Strictly for procreation. Get over it.

I'm not afraid of foreigners, I enjoy the diversity of cultures, having been witness to more than a handful. But I live here, they don't and I believe I know better than they do what is good for my family. I've seen the living conditions in many countries and this country is the best by far.

I'm not a big fan of the SKS, never followed the mindset of the quantity of bullets to the quality. Give me a good .308 bolt action rifle, or a .45 pistol (government issue Colt) and I'll save a buttload on ammo.

I admit I do hate catalytic converters (are you happy now?). I also hate computers, expensive fuel injection systems and anything else that would hinder me in my ability to repair my own vehicle. I do agree with the use of unleaded gas, emission controls, and alternate energy sources. If it can be made cheaply and sold to me almost as cheaply and it won't kill you, then I am all for it.

I do own a bible. I take that back. My wife owns a bible. It sits in a box in our attic.

I am only educated as far as high school. My wife, however, is college educated. Bachelor's in Education. She's a housewife. I bring home the bacon. Why? She hates your children. Undisciplined, mannerless heathens whose parents haven't the time or the inclination to teach them. Friends. That is what parents have become. I, being only a high school graduate from West Virginia of all places, scored higher on the ACT's than 80 percent of students, learned how to operate a nuclear reactor, operated an electrical power plant capable of powering a medium sized city. And I call myself a hick.

I don't have any children yet. We're both fertile, but I guess I'm a chickenshit for not wanting children just yet. Call it a fear of you people, call it immature, but we'll have children. America has seen to it. There are more of my type than you might imagine. I also do not have health care. What, you say? A right winged, rich, bigot such as me doesn't have insurance? That's right. I am right leaning, but I'm far from rich. Try less than $50,000 a year. Closer to $40,000. And just because I can't stand P-Diddy, that does not a bigot make. I just refuse to pay for something we won't need for a while. We don't own credit cards, we pay with cash. If you can't pay for it outright, wait. I never tried keeping up with the Joneses. It will send you to an early grave.

I belonged to a union once. When I was 16. The United Food and Commercial Workers Union. I was a bagboy. I will never belong to a union again. They are the "debil". Affirmative action for morons.

I am white. As is my wife. But being faintly French-Canadian, I'm sure there are many, many different races in my blood. I've never been racist, but the ghetto culture is complete and utter bullshit. Being black and called "Uncle Tom" because a person takes advantage of their natural abilities is inhumane. Why drag someone else to your level if you can't attain their level? If you don't learn something new everyday, you have problems. If you don't want to learn, you are lazy and moronic.

I am simpleminded. I like simple. I like my life simple. I hate complications, it makes it too difficult to figure the variables. I know what to do, how to get there and how to go farther. Keep It Simple, Stupid.

I have never received welfare. I would never sign up for it. As bad as the job market has been made to be seen, I could easily find another. Too many people have too little faith in their abilities, are too haughty to get their fingers dirty, are too lazy to pick themselves up. That must change. The only people who need help are the one who can't help themselves. That is the way it has always been. That is the way it shall remain.

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