My bully pulpit to rail against anything and everything
Florida will soon become the Utopia Hitler dreamed of
Published on March 17, 2005 By voodoostation In Current Events
In less than twenty four hours Terri Schindler (Schiavo) will begin her long, lonely, painful journey from this hell called earth. Much credit must be given to her evil, heartless, selfish and dangerous husband, Michael for this. As early as one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, her husband will allow her feeding tube to be removed, thereby starting the process of starvation and dehydration. During an interview on national television, Michael stated that she would not be starved, just denied nutrition or rehydration. Come again?

I first heard of Terri almost a year ago, heard the description of this woman, heard how the doctors deemed her to be in a persistent vegatative state, how she would never be able to do anything. Then I saw the footage. In my many years on this globe I have never seen a vegatable respond like this woman. She can move, she can blink, she makes noises. Vegetables, to my knowledge, only rustle in the breeze. She is not connected to anything but a feeding tube because she has not had any physical therapy since she collapsed fifteen years ago. Her eyes are open, she moves her head, she recognizes people she knows, she responds to questions and jokes, she smiles, she just can't move or talk.

Terri and Michael were awarded more than 2 million dollars in malpractice settlements, very little of which was directed by her husband for her care. He has denied any sort of therapy for her, disallowed medical examinations that a normal woman would have annually, kept her from receiving basic hygienic procedures such as the brushing of her teeth, thus causing the removal of four of her teeth. She had an infection he would not allow to be treated by antibiotics. He also ordered that she not be resuscitated.

There is much more to this story involving her husband and his complete inhumanity and cruelty to his invalid wife than I have room to write about. How about the fact that he will not divorce her, but is engaged to another woman who has borne two of his children. He refuses to give guardianship of his wife, Terri, to her parents, so that they may bear the burden of her care. Tell me, what reasonable person, seeing a woman not on life support, attached only to a feeding tube, not deemed terminal, could kill her? I could understand being exhausted after fifteen years, but her parents and family want to bring her home to care for her. What could be the harm of that?

There is a case now under review in England regarding a mother who aborted her child under her doctor's recommendations because he would have been born extremely handicapped. She obeyed the suggestions and killed the child. Would you like to know what the crippling handicap was that would have been so insufferable for the boy? I'll tell you at the end of this story.

In Germany during Hitler's reign, the courts began to decide whose "quality of life" was too deplorable for the continuation of their existence. Old people, cripples, mental patients, little people, poor people, orphans, and every other afflicted person that wasn't normal became the benefactors of this caring good will. That should have ended when he swallowed the pill and the gun. But it hasn't. As society has advanced and the role of religion in the trueest meaning has decreased, it is my opinion that more of this God complex has sprung up. How can a society, how can a government just blindly stand by while a person, a human being, a living, breathing, thinking woman is starved to death because of her "husband's" wishes?

She has no living will. The court, the judge in Florida, is ruling only because of a memory Michael Schiavo had in 1997. He remembered Terri saying during a t.v. show about someone who was comatose, bedridden in a hospital. He remembers her saying she wouldn't want to live that way. If any of you saw any of the film of her you would know that this woman isn't comatose. I find it very difficult to believe that in this day and age, in this age of medical miracles, this era of science, with all the advances that have been made in the field of medicine that we would still allow this barbarity to continue. To sit by and allow an otherwise physically healthy person incapable of feeding themself to die by starvation and/or dehydration because they don't have the voice to speak for themselves. I find that deplorable and despicable and savagely cruel. How far have we advanced then if we can permit this? Tell me.

My outrage over this inhumanity is only surpassed by my incredulity over the seemingly lack of compassion and support given to Terri and her family. From everything I've found since I've followed this story, there have been offers of more than 3 million dollars to her husband to relinquish rights to Terri and he has so far rejected all of it. This man is pure evil, mark my words. This man wants Terri dead and right now there isn't a goddamn thing we can do but watch her die. The justice system sits idly by while one person can order the end of the right of life of another living human being. An innocent human being. What happened to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? This man, with the aid of a lone judge in Florida has stolen two of the three, and is only hours away from insidiously taking the first.

Just thinking of the agony that Terri will endure if this murder is permitted to take place brings tears to my eyes. I can feel my heart break knowing that another human being will die by another's hand because she didn't have a voice to stop it. It angers me to know that people believe they are more powerful than God. It worries me to think Terri won't be the last.

For those of you who don't believe me, go check out I dare you.

One last thing. If you had a pet that was in the same predicament as Terri, would you pull out the feeding tube and watch it die for the next week or two?

Oh yeah, the little boy would have been born with a cleft lip.

on Mar 18, 2005
It is unfortunate, and all too true.  HOw we treat the most defenseless of our society is how we will be judged.  I dont like cheapening the horror Nazi Germany, but in this case, the comparison is apt.