I have to admit, I've finally lost it. It being my patience, though my mind may surely follow. Every few weeks I run into articles featuring stories of liberal pantywaists attempting to turn the youth of America into Stepford kids. Last week was the Nashville school system incident, removing Honor Roll from the local papers and the hallways, because the underachieving children may feel bad. That was how the story initially started. The lawyers for the school system quickly spun it to take advantage of privacy laws, removing the overachieving childrens' names from possible overachieving child predators. I tend to lean towards the initial storyline because this has been a long time coming. Do you remember the dodge ball fiasco from a couple years ago? We can't play dodgeball, it may injure the slow kid's pysche. We don't want to single out the fat kid who can't move, or the only girl on the team. I wore glasses as a child. I got hit many times for being a four-eyed freak. I threw back. It was that easy. The University of Michigan with the affirmative action case, because the law says minorities are dumber than white folk. Really? Keep thinking that. Holiday celebrations and decorations in schools may offend someone, we don't know who, but they may be litigious. Wait, is that a religion? Let me check.....possibly, there seems to be quite a following.
Parents don't help this matter either. What happened to disciplining a child? Beat the little buggers. Teachers, bus drivers, neighbors, old women in supermarkets should be able to enforce this. Children need to be pointed in a direction, a good direction. They need to fall, scrape their knees and get up, sometimes with the help of an adult, other times alone. They need to learn courtesy and civility. The golden rule still works. They need to know what is right and wrong, no shades of grey. It really is black and white, though it may be two other colors if you happen to really be color blind. It seems families are shifting to the good, family values are coming in to focus, people are raising their kids the old fashioned way, while the school systems, mass media and the fringe weirdos are fighting harder than ever to get us to live in the grey. I'm not religious, don't really believe in God, but I do understand that the rules that were laid in the beginning of man still stand today. Why change them now?
Teachers are not surrogate parents. They do not need the added responsibilities, nor should they want it. They are teachers to teach what society on the whole says is necessary to understand and function normally in it. That is their responsibility. No bias to be applied to their teaching, opinon is irrelevant. Living in a democratic republic, the majority rules. That fundamental is beginning to crumble. It can't be allowed to. There are little fissures appearing, where the few dictate to many. We need to fill those cracks and reinforce the majority. No publically funded school of higher learning should get public funding while teaching that our government and our way of life is wrong.
The word for today, girls and boys, is "misoneism". It means " a hatred of innovation or change". That's me, though I am rather fond of innovation. It breeds efficiency, imagination, creativity. That, in turn, creates competition and competition is good. Competition is the backbone of capitalism and independence. So go out there and build a better mousetrap or something. I look forward to ranting to you more often.