My bully pulpit to rail against anything and everything
Or was it San Fransisco. Anyway, enough already
Published on February 24, 2004 By voodoostation In Current Events
This debate should long have ended. Marriage has been defined for many moons as a union between a man and a damn woman. I say damn woman because of my misogynistic tendencies. At least that's what my damn wife says. Many, many people have operated under this premise because it has been decreed. To change it for a few light in the loafer folks just rubs me the wrong way.
There are probably some really good reasons for the non-heterosexuals, or fey, folk to want to get married. They site statistics about the rise in divorce rates, the crumbling of the ideal of marriage. If that were truly the case, then who in their right mind would enter into such a pitfall of social decay? It would equate to walking back into your burning house for a cigarette.
I've thought about this, mostly against my will, and have come up with at least one reason why queer folk (I don't want to hear any bitching about the labels, they use it, and it's nothing like the "n" word) want marriage. It has nothing to do with benefits or privileges awarded to spouses. It's a justification for their aberrant behavior. For thousands of years, men and women have copulated and procreated and spawned more men and women. Most have gone on to follow in their predecessor's footprints, but a select few decided to bat for the other team. They didn't do this in the open in most places. They preferred orgies in places where they could not be seen and looked down upon. Except for the Greeks, but that's a tale (tail?) for another day. Most people treated the weak in the wrist as lepers, sometimes killing them and selling their tanned hides for mead or a prostitute. Maybe. In any case, it has only been in the last 30 years that the munchers and pirates have actually been given a voice. They still see themselves as second class citizens in life, because they prefer to be looked upon as the downtrodden, despaired, and abused from centuries of torment. Marriage would make them normal in their eyes (and ours) and force the normal to walk through life alongside them ('cause you definitely don't want to be in front) as equals.
The militant fags claim civil rights violations, but there are none. No one has been turned down a job, declined a house, been evicted, disallowed to vote, been removed for a building solely on his/her sexual preference. Otherwise the ACLU would descend upon the world as the next plague of locust, clicking and buzzing and chewing up the Constitution as just another tree. This is the Little Bighorn for the twisted sisters and brothers and I swear I hear the sound of hooves. Or maybe that's just the sound of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and her band of merry law rewriters. I hope not. And you better, too. Yes, Nichole, there are straight people.

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