My bully pulpit to rail against anything and everything
voodoostation's Articles In Current Events
February 9, 2006 by voodoostation
According to an A.P. story released today, the Justice Department called blacks and hispanics stupid because a higher percentage did not pass a mathematics exam as part of the National Police Officer Test than did white test takers. Now, my question to you is, what type of math is on this exam for minorities not to pass? Having briefly been part of law enforcement whilst being employed in the Navy, I don't recall any math. Numbers, yes, math, no. DUI numbers, 10 codes, and the abili...
March 28, 2005 by voodoostation
Step back for a moment. Take in all you can of this case. Breathe deeply the thick and heavy smell of fear and death and anticipation and victory. Listen to the marching of the army ants of life and death. Watch the scurrying about of the messengers and the creeping about of the harbingers. What you are witnessing is the culmination of decades upon decades of propaganda, education, brainwashing, ego, secularism, and socialism. This is the end effect brought on by people who believe we a...
March 17, 2005 by voodoostation
In less than twenty four hours Terri Schindler (Schiavo) will begin her long, lonely, painful journey from this hell called earth. Much credit must be given to her evil, heartless, selfish and dangerous husband, Michael for this. As early as one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, her husband will allow her feeding tube to be removed, thereby starting the process of starvation and dehydration. During an interview on national television, Michael stated that she would not be starved, just denied nut...
January 26, 2005 by voodoostation
Social Security is going to fail. There is no reason not to think that a government program won't. It's a simple and well proven law of the universe. This will become the S&L scandal of the younger generation, mark my words. And I don't want a damn thing to do with it. Allowed to continue on its current path, the collapse of this entitlement program will have more drastic consequences than a meteor hitting Hollywood. And I pray for it. Actually I pray for both. Social Security was or...
November 10, 2004 by voodoostation
I can't help but be amused by the post election meltdown occurring around the country.The homophobic, xenophobic, SKS toting, catalytic converter hating, bible thumping, high school educated, child rearing, non-union, white, simpleminded, welfare recipients came out in droves to stop what could only benefit them in order to help the evil rich folks in their scheme to collect all the money they so treacherously stole. Are you really that stupid? I am personally antiauthoritarian. I desp...
June 1, 2004 by voodoostation
Democratic heir-apparent to the nomination, John "F-ing" Kerry, going above and beyond as he normally does, demonstrated his knowledge of the almost universal gesture of goodwill to a comrade of the Vietnam war during a tour of the Wall in D.C. If you don't at this point understand this man, I'm sure this story I've linked to will go over your little head. If not, here's the link, courtesy of Newsmax. Ignorant
April 18, 2004 by voodoostation
These photos courtesy of
April 18, 2004 by voodoostation
April 10, 2004. A "peace" protest, with a guest speaker. Hatem Bazian, a professor and lecturer at U.C. Berkeley, was the speaker. The tree huggers came out in droves, not unlike worker bees for a queen. The good professor, a teacher of Islamic studies, also a former Palestinian inhabitant, egged the crowd on with such dynamic comments as "We've been watching an uprising in Iraq and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don't have an intifada in this country?" "Becau...
April 17, 2004 by voodoostation
In yet another surgical strike on Hamas, Hamas leader and his dear son were attacked and subsequently died of inuries sustained after they got blown to kingdom come. Speaking to a Jewish customer in a well known deli in Des Moines, Iowa, he was quoted as saying "I should have ordered a pickle, too." Another interview of a Cambodian dry cleaner gave us this response. "Do you like extra starch?" There you have it, people everywhere are weeping for the souls of the recently departed, highly-r...
March 22, 2004 by voodoostation
The state will finally close the books on the investigation into the methods of the Cincinnati police department and the subsequent death of a rather large man who died a short time after being taken into custody in front of a fast food store. As you may remember, the videotape and the outcries from civil rights leaders and members of the dead fellow's family caused many in the morning talk show circuits to wring their hands in mock disbelief, caring and outrage. The nonissue caused much te...
February 24, 2004 by voodoostation
This debate should long have ended. Marriage has been defined for many moons as a union between a man and a damn woman. I say damn woman because of my misogynistic tendencies. At least that's what my damn wife says. Many, many people have operated under this premise because it has been decreed. To change it for a few light in the loafer folks just rubs me the wrong way. There are probably some really good reasons for the non-heterosexuals, or fey, folk to want to get married. They...